Kristian Simpson, 16, Houston, Texas (2/20/22)

16-year-old Kristian Simpson was last seen leaving his residence in northwest Houston, Texas on February 20, 2022, and is believed to be in immediate danger. Kristian has short, brown hair, brown eyes, a medium complexion, and a scar on his nose. It is believed Kristian may have been wearing a black, Cabela’s® hoodie, black sweatpants, and possibly a Boston baseball cap, at the time of his disappearance.

If you have seen Kristian Simpson since his reported disappearance, if you know of his current whereabouts, or if you have any information whatsoever concerning Kristian’s disappearance; please call the Harris County Sheriff’s Department at (713) 755-7427 or Texas EquuSearch at (281) 309-9500.

Name:Kristian Simpson
Date Missing:2/20/2022
Missing From:Houston, TX
Hair Color:Black
Height:5’ 5”
Weight:170 lbs.
Eye Color:Brown
Police/Sheriff:Harris County Sheriff’s Office
Officer Name:Det. Flores
Officers Phone #:(713) 755-7427
Officer’s Case #:2202-08369
TXEQ Case #:22-2323