Cynthia LeFlore-Laws, Bailey, Mississippi (7/19/13)

We are sad to report the body of Cynthia LeFlore-Laws has been recovered. Please keep Cynthia’s family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.

51 year-old Cynthia LeFlore-Laws was last seen in Bailey, Mississippi (near Meridian) on July 19th 2013. It is unknown what type or color of clothing that Cynthia was last wearing. If you have seen Cynthia since her disappearance, if you know of her current whereabouts, or if you have any information concerning her disappearance; please contact the Lauderdale County, Mississippi Sheriff’s Department at (601) 482-9806 – or call Texas EquuSearch at (281) 309-9500.

Cynthia LeFlore-Laws Flyer