Alexander Gafrick, 31, was last seen near the 6400 block of Woodway Drive in Houston, Texas at approximately 7:45 AM on Sunday, April 21, 2024. Alexander was last seen wearing teal colored tennis shoes, a dark gray shirt, and black pants. **It is possible he may be walking barefoot and/or carrying a walking stick. Alexander is 5’5″ and approximately 200-225 lbs and walks with an unsteady gait. If you have seen Alexander Gafrick since his reported disappearance, if you know of his current whereabouts, or if you have any information whatsoever concerning Alexander Gafrick’s disappearance, please contact the Houston Police Department at (832) 394-1840 or Texas EquuSearch at (281) 309-9500.
Alexander Gafrick, 31, Houston, Texas (4/21/2024)

Missing Person’s Details
- Alexander Gafrick
- 04/21/2024
- Houston, TX
- 07/02/1992
- 30
- Brown
- 5' 5"
- 199
- Brown
- Male
- White
- Light
- No
Investigator Information
- 577855-24
- Det. King
- 832-394-1840
- Houston Police Department